Monday, December 31, 2018

The Faces of 2018

 Selfies recap in the year of 2018 according to month.

J A N U A R Y ,  F E B R U A R Y ,  M A R C H 

A P R I L ,  M A Y

J U N E ,  J U L Y

A U G U S T ,  S E P T E M B E R

O C T O B E R ,  N O V E M B E R


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lifelong Checklist

  1. Road trip.                               
  2. Join a club.       
  3. Start a journal.
  4. Writing letters.
  5. Go to a concert.           
  6. Make new goals.
  7. Stay up all night.
  8. Change your hair.
  9. Get outside more.
  10. Thank your family.
  11. Keeping a journal.
  12. Eat something new.
  13. Attending a funeral.
  14. Attending a wedding.
  15. Stand up for yourself.
  16. Open a bank account.
  17. Trying something new.
  18. Conquer one of your fear.
  19. Shut down media social.
  20. Sending thank-you notes.      
  21. Stand up for someone else.
  22. Wear something ridiculous.     
  23. Buying flowers for yourself.
  24. Re-doing your entire closet.
  25. Making a semi-big purchase.  
  26. Accomplish one of your big goals.
  27. Discovering your “signature drink.”  
  28. Comforting yourself when you cry.
  29. Feeling like you’ve found a soul mate.
  30. Standing in the rain without an umbrella.    
  31. Owning a plant without accidentally killing it.
  32. Make friends with someone outside of your circles.  
  33. Trying the one food that has always grossed you out.          
  34. Owning an animal (even a hamster) and caring for it as well.
  35. Intentionally taking pictures of yourself from your “bad angle.”
  36. Taking a thousand pictures with your best friend, and keeping all of them.
  37. Spending a whole weekend afternoon just walking, with no particular destination in mind. 
  38. Fixing something yourself, even something as simple as a broken curtain rod or lampshade.
  39. Getting really into a new TV show, and spending an entire weekend watching the whole thing.
  40. Buying yourself a big pizza, eating as much of it as you want, and not feeling like you’re a bad person for it.           

Things I Want To Do With You

1. Watch the sunset together.
2. Take showers together.
3. Back rubs/massages.
4. Listen to classical music and cuddle in the dark or w/ backlight.
5. French Kiss.
6. Hold her w/ hands inside the back of her shirt.
7. Whisper to each other.
8. Cook for each other.
9. Skinny dip.
10. Make out in the rain.
11. Dress each other.
12. Undress each other.
13. Kiss every part of their body
14. Hold hands.
15. Sleep together (Actually sleep with each other not sex)
16. One word.....Foreplay
17. Sit and talk in just underwear.
18. Buy gifts for each other.
19. Roses.
20. Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together.
21. Wear his clothes.
22. Find a nice secluded place to lie and watch the stars.
23. Incense/candles/oils/backlights and music make for great cuddling/sex.
24. Kiss at every chance you get.
25. Don’t wear underwear and let them find out.
27. Lightly kiss their collarbone and their jawbone just below the ear and then whisper I love you.
28. Bubble baths.
29. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.
30. Make love.
31. Write poetry for each other.
32. Kiss/smell her hair.
33. Hugs are the universal medicine.
34. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.
35. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
36. Tell her that she’s the only girl you ever want. Don’t lie.
37. Spend every second possible together.
38. Tell her that she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. And mean it.
39. Look into each other’s eyes.
40. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
41. Talk to each other using only body language and your eyes.
42. When in public, only flirt w/ each other.
43. Walk behind her and put your hands in her front pockets.
44. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren’t looking.
45. Clothes are no fun.
46. Buy her a ring.
47. Keep one of her bras somewhere where you see it every day.
48. Sing to each other.
49. Read to each other.
50. PDA =Public Display of Affection.
51. Take advantage of any time alone together.
52. Tell her about how you answered every question in math with her name.
53. Draw (If you can)
54. Let her sit on your lap.
55. Go hiking and camp out together in the woods or on a mountain.
56. Lips were made for kissing. So were eyes, and fingers, and cheeks, and collarbones, and hands, and ears.
57. Kiss her stomach.
58. Always hold her around her hips/sides.
59. Guys like half shirts.
60. Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deals.
61. Spaghetti (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)
62. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.
63. Unless you can feel their heart beating, you aren’t close enough.
64. Dance together.
65. Sit in front of a roaring fire and make out/make love.
66. Look at the way a girl looks right after she’s fallen asleep with her head in your lap.
67. Carry her to bed.
68. Waterbeds are fun.
69. You figure it out.
70. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it.
71. Break every one of your parent’s relationship rules for them.
72. Make excuses calling them every 5 minutes
73. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you.
74. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.
75. Remember your dreams and tell her about them.
76. Ride your bike 8 miles just to see them for a few hours.
77. Ride home and call them.
78. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.
79. Somehow incorporate them into any kind of religion or worship you have.
80. Be Prince Charming to her parents.
81. Act out mutual fantasies together. (Not necessarily sexual)
82. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
83. Stay up all night to think of 101 ways to be sweet to them.
84. Hang out with his/her friends.
85. Go to church/pray/worship together.
86. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked.
87. Cuddle together under a full moon on a clear night.
88. Learn from each other and don’t make the same mistake twice.
89. Everyone deserves a second chance.
90. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.
91. Make sacrifices for each other.
92. Really love each other or don’t stay together.
93. Write a fictional story about how you met/fell in love, etc. and give it to them.
94. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren’t thinking about them, and make sure they know it
95. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
96. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.
97. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.
98. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.
99. Sleep naked together.
100. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.
101. Never forget the kiss goodnight. And always remember to say, “Sweet dreams."

Self-care Challenge

Day 1: Go for a walk alone
Day 2: Bake something
Day 3: Learn a new word
Day 4: No social media
Day 5: Get a facial
Day 6: Walk 10,000 steps
Day 7: Draw a picture
Day 8: Relax in a bath
Day 9: Colour a picture
Day 10: Buy something new for bed
Day 11: Go to bed early
Day 12: 30-second dance party
Day 13: Make a vision board
Day 14: Plant something
Day 15: Exercise
Day 16: Make a gratitude list
Day 17: Go on a self-date 
Day 18: Do a puzzle
Day 19: Watch the clouds
Day 20: Call someone
Day 21: No TV, just music
Day 22: Diffuse essential oil
Day 23: Meditate for 5 minutes
Day 24: Watch a TED talk
Day 25: Donate or volunteer
Day 26: Fall asleep to nature sound 
Day 27: Watch a favourite movie
Day 28: Have a cup of herbal tea
Day 29: Light candle or incense 
Day 30: Read a book 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Exploring // Colmar Tropicale City

Colmar Tropicale : situated in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. 

I've been wanting to come here since forever because of it's building. I think I remembered watching it on the tv when I was small or I read it in a magazine? I don't know which is which. All I know, I wanted to come here to see those building and breath different air and have those feeling as if I leave the country and went to another place far from where I was born. Anyway, I thought it was gonna be cold but surprisingly I was sweating from all of those walking. But the scenery and views were nice. I took lots of picture. 

Aside from the french town, on the other side we have a Japanese village. I thought it was gonna be a short walk which turns out to be a mini hiking trail. This is where I felt cheated. But I do enjoy the nature. Breathing in the fresh air in the Japanese inspired jungle was the best feeling ever. I felt like maybe living in the jungle wouldn't be so bad after all if you have fresh air like this all the time. I'll probably be healthier and live through a 100 years. But then again, it gets scary at night!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Ultimate Cleanse Routine

So something shitty happened! Or has been happening! For a long time! Maybe you’ve had enough or your situation or made a bad decision. Whatever the case, new beginnings are needed or wanted. Never fear my friends, introducing the big ass cleanse routine.
This “routine” is a detailed list of ways to cleanse your life and soul. Complete all or some of these tasks over whatever period of time you need.

  • Cut your nails.
  • Delete old texts.
  • Wash your shoes.
  • Clean up your diet.
  • Donate old clothes.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Delete unneeded contacts. 
  • Clean up your herb supply.
  • Clean up your social media.
  • Change out your pillowcases.
  • Donate old books or materials.
  • Clean your sheets and clothes.
  • If your alter is messy, organize it.
  • Clean your room. Dust and purge.
  • If you can, run around in the rain.
  • Learn something and teach something.
  • Drink lots of water and eat lots of plants.
  • Clean pieces of jewelry that you wear often.
  • Delete unnecessary files on all your devices.
  • Cleanse your skin very well and treat yourself.
  • If you have a carpet, pour a mix of herbs and vacuum.
  • Move things around, furniture, items, plants, whatever.
  • Be as kind as you can to others throughout the cleanse.
  • Throw out or consolidate old bottles of lotion, perfume, ect.
  • Make a new playlist and delete old ones you no longer listen to.
  • Make sure your home is full of scents you enjoy. Light a candle or two.
  • Throw out old candles that are almost finished, or burn them until they are done.
  • Throw or reuse old pill bottles (sometimes i put crystal in mine or paint them)
  • Begin the process of renewing good relationships and removing yourself from bad ones. 
  • If a favorite tree or bush could use trimming, help provoke new growth by clipping off dead branches.
  • Burn shit. Just burn it. Write all the shit down on a piece of paper and safely burn the shit out of it. 
  • Don’t eat anything processed/junk food for as long as you feel necessary. (Try to stick to plant based meals if you can)
  • Take a shower or bath and use a scrub to gently get rid of old dead skin. (I use a home made Sugar, Honey, and Rosemary mix) 

🐤 source : boneprinces tumblr

Writers Block Challenge.


First things first, this in not an "Improve your writing skills" challenge. It is more of a "Start to write again" challenge. The challenges I have put forth are relatively simple but when people have a writer's block it is difficult to come up with even a single line. So do not look at the challenge and skip it thinking it is too easy because chances are you might not even able to write 10 lines out of it. 

Things to remember.
  • If you are someone who is struggling to write lately then please do not compare your current writings (which you will write in this challenge) with your past poems because it will only make you feel sad. People give up writing because of it. Don't do that mistake. 
  • Take it easy upon you. Don't worry about the grammar, the structure, the rhyme, the flow. Just write. You can always edit things later. Always remember it. When you write, just go on writing and do not worry about anything. Let the words flow without interruption. 
  • Keep the poems/writings. No matter how bad they look, do not delete any of the poems/writings you write in this challenge. 
  • Don't worry about continuation Do not make it an obligation upon you to write each day. This challenge was meant to ease things not stress you out. But make sure you take each each and every challenge. 
  • Whenever you are writing any of it, make sure you have no other things on your mind. You must be relaxed to be able to channel your thoughts. 

Day 1 : Take a piece of paper and a pen. Just write down anything and everything that comes on your mind. 
Day 2 : Write down 25 of your favourite words. Try writing a simple poem out of them. Try to accommodate as many as you can of your favourite words. 
Day 3 : Write a poem about how was your day today? (or) how you are going to spend your day?
Day 4 : Read one of the poems of your favourite author and summarize it in your own words. 
Day 5 : Write about your best friend and how you feel about them (send them the poem, they will feel good).
Day 6 : Read your Day 1 scribbling and try to make a poem out of it. (Comprehend)
Day 7 : Relax. It is a rest day. Have a cup of your favourite beverage and read some poems of your favourite poet or author.
Day 8 : Pick a poem you read yesterday and write a sequel/reply to it.
Day 9 : Write a letter to your mom/dad/both. Show them some love. 
Day 10 : Write a poem about yourself. How you feel about yourself. Let the feelings flow. 
Day 11 : Take a stroll in a garden or down the street. Observe things. Watch them. Sit in a quiet place and start writing as much as you can about all that you saw/are seeing. 
Day 12 : Read your yesterday's writing and try to make a short story out of it. Add some characters, name things. Do whatever you wish. Do not worry if the story doesn't make any sense (Mr. Dustbin looked sad yesterday)
Day 13 : Remember the last time you laughed a lot? Write about it, add some spice and make it funny.
Day 14 : Rest day again. Just do whatever you want. Take your mind away from writing. 
Day 15 : Pick one of your old poems and rewrite it with different mood. Like if you had written a happy poem, make it sad. 
Day 16 : Write about a thing that is bothering you. Make your words your best friends and share your feelings with it. 
Day 17 : Write about that one impossible wish you have in life. Describe it in vivid details. 
Day 18 : Write about a person from the past you miss a lot but it is now not possible to be with them anymore. 
Day 19 : Write about your dream spouse. How you wish them to be.
Day 20 : Write about your life till now. Is it messed up ? Is it the way you want it to be? Where is it heading?
Day 21 : Rest day. Read the poem/writing about your life you wrote yesterday and try to see if there are things you need improvements. Write it if you wish. 
Day 22 : Go out and help someone. Make them smile. Write about how you felt when you see them smile because of you.
Day 23 : Write about your role model. How they inspire you. Anything about them. 
Day 24 : Write about the thing you fear the most. The words should reflect your fear.
Day 25 : Write about all the little things that make you happy. No matter if it is eating a candy, just write about it. 
Day 26 : Write about a grudge you are holding for someone. Let the grudge end today with your words. Liberate your heart from this burden. 
Day 27 : Write about your childhood and how silly you were. What were your dreams? Who were your friends? It should look like an essay written by a child. 
Day 28 : Write about how you want people to remember you after you die.
Day 29 : Write about this challenge. If it sucks then let out your anger. If it doesn't then let out how you feel and did it in anyway help you to connect the dots. 
Day 30: Rest day and last day. Just go through all the poems/writings you wrote all these days. Edit any poems you wish. Be happy that you wrote all of these. Celebrate it. Give yourself a treat. Feel good about your writing and be grateful that you have this amazing gift of words. 

I hope this helps. Take care. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Date Ideas

concert.  kayaking. beach.  photo shootice creamwalk around the parkstrawberry pickinghikingstarbucksbakingart museumart festivalpottery decoratingsunsetsunrisecarnivalchocolate factory tourride bikesrock climbingroller skating ice skatingbonfiremovie marathonboatingfishingsnorkelinggo out for breakfast. brunch for lunchbowlinggo to a playzooaquarium swimmingyoga challengepizza datechill and listen to musictrying new restaurantspark exploringcinemaplaying with catsgo cartingescape roomlaser tag. pet bunnies. cruising around town. ghost hunting. karaoke. amusement park. bed and breakfast. camping. horseback riding. stargazing. picnic at the park. window shopping. video arcade. day at the spa. board game. tv series marathon. paintball

Have You?

sexted. // had sex. // had lice. // had a job. // rode a taxi. // had braces. // cut yourself. // kissed a girl. // had oral sex. // kissed a boy. // smoke weed. // failed a class. // smoke cigars. // been on boat. // won a trophy. // wore makeup. // drank alcohol. // broken a bone. // been on a diet. // dyed your hair. // gotten pregnant. // bought condoms. // been on airplane. // had sex in public. // had a credit card. // been on vacation. // smoke cigarettes. // kissed in the rain. // been to a concert. // been to a wedding. // been late for school. // met someone famous. // prank called someone. // snuck out of the house. // taken a pregnancy test. // gotten your heart broken. // been suspended from school. // showered with someone else. // watched tv for 5 hours straight. // been outside the home country. // stayed up for 24 hours or more. // bullied someone on the internet. // been unhappy about your weight. // left the house without your wallet. // lost your virginity before you're 17. // been to a professional sports game. // been on a road trip longer than 5 hours. //  had a crush on someone of the same sex. // been on the computer for 5 hours straight. // kissed someone a different race than yourself.

Monday, January 1, 2018